Lea is a sunny kind of gal. You
can put her in a room with anyone and she’ll instantly make friends. I prefer to
hang out in the background and observe. Whether we were making our way on the
playground or finding our place at parties, I usually left it to her to represent
our little twosome to the outside world. It’s not a stretch to say that back
then, it was all about her. And that suited me just fine!
But now I’m older and more sure of myself, so I’m sucking up my courage and offering Lea a break. Sure,
I’ll always be a wallflower at heart, but after years of hanging in the back,
it’s time for me to shine! So, last week, when we met up to catch up over
hamburgers, I brought It’s All About Us (Especially Me) to show her just
how far I’d come.
And since the book includes three different coloured copies of each page, we have room for one more! I’m embracing my new outgoing role and am on the hunt to find us a friend to share these silly surveys with. Any takers?