My March Breaks were usually spent
in daycare, along with the other poor saps whose parents weren’t crazy enough
to brave the hordes of families descending upon Disney World. The six or
eight of us extra kids would be stuck playing baby games with the preschoolers
while our friends basked in the sun and ate turkey legs the size of their
But it wasn’t all bad... Sometimes,
after some theatrical sighing, my mom would pack a big-kid activity to keep me
entertained. Finding that treat in my bag was like a one-day ticket to my very own Magic Kingdom. I would pick a special friend, set up camp in a
corner (away from the babies), and go to town!
This year, when I found a copy
of Fancy Friendship Bracelets in my bag, I tore into it with the
enthusiasm of my younger, daycare-stranded self. These colourful
bracelets are miles ahead of those embroidery floss,
summer camp faves and totally updated with bright, spring-coloured cord, tons of tiny
seed beads, and six cute charms to finish them off!